Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

What is Ovarian Cancer?

The ovary is the female reproductive gland that produces germ cells. Located in the pelvis, at either side of the uterus, the ovaries are also called as the egg sac. When a cancerous growth of cells in found in any part of the ovary, it’s known as ovarian cancer.

The epithelium is the major part of the ovary from where most of ovarian cancers arise. There are different kinds of cancer grouped together with ovarian cancer, as there are different parts of the ovary. More so, some cancers also arise from within the ovary itself.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

What are the types of Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancers are of different kinds. Let’s have a look at them:-

• Epithelial ovarian cancer – Develops mainly in adults on the surface of the ovary. • Germ cell ovarian cancer – Arise from the cells that produce eggs and is affects teens and children • Stromal ovarian cancer – Arises in the ovaries-holding cells • Metastatic cancers – One that spreads to different part of the body

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Sign and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

There are some possible early symptoms or signs that patients feel when struck with ovarian cancer. Some of those signs include:-

• Pain in the back, pelvis, lower stomach • Issues of indigestion/ Issues of heartburn • A quick feeling of full while eating • Frequent urination • Feeling pain while sexual intercourse • Changes in bowel habits • Loss of appetite • Nausea and weight loss • Problem in breathing • Tiredness

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Treatment for most cancers is similar in nature with slight variation according to the patient’s condition. Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy are common treatment forms of the cancer. In ovarian cancer, patients may also need Hormone therapy and Targeted therapy.

In most cases, two or more types of treatment are used, as per the condition. However, the nature of treatment would entirely depend on the cancer type and its stage. General health is also considered before starting the treatment.

Age is not a major factor when it comes to the treatment of ovarian cancer.