Oral Cancer Treatment

Oral Cancer Treatment

What is Oral Cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which cells grow with such an uncontrollable rate to cause damage to the surrounding tissues. Similarly, Oral cancer is the same growth of cells in or around the mouth or oral area.

Lips, throat, tongue, cheeks and sinuses are those areas of the mouth that always remain at risk of cancer. The disease can be deadly if not treated timely and properly.

As per the data of medical science, men are at greater risk than women for oral cancer. More so, the men over 50 years of age are far more prone to the dangers of oral cancer.

Oral Cancer Treatment

What are the types of Oral Cancer?

There are different types of oral cancer. Let’s have a look at them:-

• Squamous cell carcinoma – The most common cancer form in the oral cavity and oropharynx • Verrucous carcinoma – An extremely slow-growing cancer of the oral cavity • Minor salivary gland carcinomas – A type that originates on the minor salivary glands • Lymphomas – A cancer type that develops in lymph tissue • Benign oral cavity and oropharyngeal tumors – A type that develops in the oral cavity and oropharynx • Leukoplakia and erythroplakia: Abnormal cells that originate in the throat or mouth

Oral Cancer Treatment

Sign and symptoms of Oral Cancer

There are some symptoms that establish the presence of oral cancer in patients. These symptoms may not always suggest the origination of the disease; nonetheless, they are the first signs. Let’s look at those general symptoms:-

• A lump in the mouth or throat or lip • Problem to chew or swallow • Pain to move jaw or tongue • The tongue may feel numb • Some parts of the mouth may feel numb • Numbness in the tongue or other areas of the mouth • Swelling of the jaw

Oral Cancer Treatment

Treatment of Oral Cancer

The treatment of oral cancer is same to many other forms of cancer. Here too, surgery is performed to stop the uncontrolled growth of the cells. After that, the remaining cells are damaged or killed or destroyed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy.