

Naturopathy in India

Naturopathy in India is known in the form of an age old healing method, from the times when when even technology and drugs and technology did not even existed. It was nature only that used to provide all kinds of elements, natural range of food, which are required as a source of medicine as well as nutrients. The term Naturopathy is not new to India. In every Indian home, some home remedies are used to treat small health problems even before visiting the doctor. Slowly and gradually, naturopathy had gained a lot of importance in the Indian health care sector, since it has less side effects as well.

From the ancient times, there is a lot of importance of naturopathy in the form of alternative treatment procedure. Naturopathy, also known as Naturopathic medicine or natural medicine keeps its focus on the natural remedies and the ability of the body of healing its own self and then maintaining it too. The philosophy of naturopathy has a completely holistic approach and makes little use any kind of drug or surgery. Naturopathy included various kinds of modes of treatment that vary in their degrees of acceptance by the community of medicine, lifestyle and diet. All this might sometimes be same to that advice that might be given by non-naturopaths. Along with this, acupuncture can also be used for reduction in any kind of pain.


Naturopathy for Diseases and Conditions

Asthma Depression and anxiety Food intolerance Eczema Constipation Prostate problems Arthritis Insomnia Cold and flu Weight loss Allergies Sinusitis Pre-menstrual syndrome