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Dr. (Lt. Col.) Aditya Pradhan

Dr. (Lt. Col.) Aditya Pradhan

Sr. Consultant Urology & Renal Transplantation

  • MBBS
  • MS (Gen Surgery)
  • DNB Urology

  • During the year 2006 did a 6 weeks attachment with Dr Ashutosh Tiwari in the field of Robotic Prosatectomy at the Weil Cornell Medical Center, New York.
  • In 2006 did a 2 week attachment at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital ,Brady Urology Center, Baltimore, with Dr Patrick Walsh and Dr Arthur Burnett in the field of prosatectomy

  • Presently working as a Sr. Consultant in Urology Department at BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi

Previous Experience
  • Consultant in Urology at the prestigious Army Hospital R&R, New Delhi
  • Consultant in Urology at the Military Hospital in Jalandar, Punjab.
  • (Started the Endourology and Laparoscopic Urology programme for this center)
  • Consultant in Urology at the Command Hospital, Lucknow, UP

Awards and Achievements
  • Set up of the Renal Transplant Programme of this center and successfully conducted 20 renal transplants in 2006-07. In recognition of this was awarded the Chief of Army Staff Commendation card.
  • Was involved in 2 large mass casualty operations in aid to civil establishment of Pithoragarah Distt in Uttarakhand. Was awarded the Central Army Commander’s Commendation Card for these operations in 1995.
  • Awarded the Christian Medical College Ludhiana Prize for the best poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the North Zone Chapter of the Urology Society of India in the year 2001 and again in 2002.
  • Video presentation of Laparoscopic assisted PCNL in Pelvic Kidneys was presented at the Asian Congress of Urology in Kuala Lumpur in 2002.

  • Member of Urology Society of India
  • Member of SIU
  • Member of International Endo-Urology Society

Papers Published:
  • Pelviureteric junction obstruction, an overview. Chapter written for book– Current Trends in Surgery vol 3, 2003.
  • Published by Surgical Division, Army Hospital (R&R) Delhi, 2003
  • Primary Amyloidosis of urinary bladder. A case report. Ind J Urol 19(2) Apr 2003 157-159.
  • Endopyelotomy- A minimally invasive surgical option for pelviureteric junction obstruction.
  • Review of 32 cases. MJAFI 59(4) Oct 2003 pg 320-323
  • Multivessel renal tr-ansplant. Experience at Army Hospital R&R. Ind J Urol.20 (2) Apr 2004 130-133
  • Letter to the Editor –Isolated renal allograft Mucormycosis .Ind J Urol 2006;22: 381
  • Spontaneous rupture of the bladder – A rare clinical entity. MJAFI 2007;63 :92-93
  • To bite the bullet of early graft nephrectomy: a case report.Transplantation proceedings, 2007;39;1664-1665.
  • Botulinum toxin: An emerging therapy in female bladder outlet obstruction , Ind J Urol. 2009; 25:318-320.
  • Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Posttransplantation:
  • A Case Report of Possible Association With Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Epidural Catheterization.Transplantation Proceedings. 2009 ; 41: 1957-1960
  • Primary signet- ring cell linitis plastica type adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder. Cent European J Urol. 2010;63: 153-154
  • Renal autotransplantation as savior in hybrid surgery for aortic aneurysm repair. Rana YPS. Gupta SK., Singh DV.; Bedi VS. Pathak K; Pradhan AA.;Talwar R.Urol Int (DOI:10.1159/000336466).
  • Published Online: March 14, 2012 Incidentally detected emphysematous pyelonephritis. Yogesh KS, Singh DV, Gupta SK, Pradhan A, Harkar S, Wani S . Cent European J Urol .2012 6:51; 53-54