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Organ Transplant Treatment

India has become popular as a medical tourism destination in the past few years for multi-organ transplants, mainly because of offering best of medical services with lower cost of procedure, hospitals with advanced technology , no waiting time and availability of professional transplant surgeons. Aafiya International offers Multi-organ transplant packages for vital organ transplant including Kidney or Renal, liver, lung, corneal, bone marrow, cadaver etc. these packages include air travel, hotel stay, surgery cost, specialist consultation, medication, services of professional staff at affordable prices.

Treatments NameNo of Ward daysProcedure Cost (USD)Procedure Cost (INR)
Kidney Transplant for Unrelated Donor and RecipientDonor-10 days in multiple bed; Recepient- 14 days in Single Room10000610000
Bone Marrow TransplantDepend on the type of bone marrow transplant40000 to 500002300000 to 2900000
Liver Transplant SurgeryDepends upon the treatment45000 to 550003000000 to 3600000